Grand Prix

March 8, 2025

Grand Prix Race

MotoTally scoring system will be used for this race
BRING YOUR HELMET TO REGISTRATION….even if we have scanned your mototally tag before, we need to scan it for this race.
$10 Cash only for mototally tag if you don’t have one already. This is required to race.
Bike numbers are required for backup scoring system. At least on the front. If you don’t have one, you will have to stop and have a conversation EVERY lap to try to get you properly scored 🧐🧐

Find the registration table (there are signs) asap upon arrival. We will be at the track from 4-7 Friday night and 7 am Saturday morning.

If you are racing an Individual class:
  • Ironman
  • 85cc
  • 65cc
  • 50cc
(Stacyc racers still need to sign up Saturday Morning, Entry fee is FREE for the Stacyc riders)
We ENCOURAGE you to sign up online this week on ECMXPARK.COM,
Then to "Rider info and registration tab."
Click "Motocross Online Registration."
Pick the correct date. (This weekend is the Nov 2nd race)
Follow the instructions.
This will help tremendously with the sign up line. Pre-Entries will have a separate line to check in.
ALL riders must check in Saturday morning to get checked off the list and get their helmet scoring tag.
Helmet scoring tag is $10 and is CASH only. (We have an ATM on site) 50cc and Stacyc
will not use the helmet scoring tag.
Sign up closes at 9am Sharp!
We have adjusted the Entry Fee schedule:
  • Stacyc: FREE
  • 50cc: $30
  • 65/85cc: $40
  • All Big Bikes: $50


  • Gate opens at 7:30am
  • Sign up is from 7:30-9am SHARP. Do NOT be late. We have a lot of racing to get packed in a day. Sign up WILL CLOSE at 9:00am
  • Gate fee is $15 per person, including racers. Ages 5 and under are free, unless racing. You must have a wristband to sign up.
  • 2 person team classes: Pro (100% payback), Intermediate/Expert, Amateur, Women's, Rule of 75 (Both riders' age must equal 75 years), Rule of 100 (Both riders' age must equal 100 years), Jack & Jill (Yes, must be Male/Female)
  • There is one Ironman class
  • Mini classes are individual riders. 85cc, 65cc, 50cc, Stacyc. 85cc / 65cc will have their own course and run together. 50cc will have their own course, Stacyc will run on the Mini/Youth MX Track. (Stacyc is a free rider entry fee)
  • Big course and 85/65cc will be electronically scored. Each rider must purchase a scoring strip for their helmet visor. ($10)
  • 65 and 85cc riders can ride the big course, as long as the rider and parents feel they have the ability to complete the course. Yes, 65/85cc riders can race the 65/85cc race AND the big course if they choose to do so. Must pay for both entry fees.
  • Pro class does 16 laps (8 each). All other Team classes do 14 laps (7 each). Ironman is 14 laps. Mini bike are TBD.
  • Entry fee is $50/rider
  • Course will cover most of the property. Wheat fields, draws, Motocross track. Between 4 and 5 mile loop.
  • It is the RIDER/TEAM  is responsible to know what lap they are on and report to the scoring officials when they are done.
  • Team race: Riders MUST switch EVERY lap. One rider cannot go 2 or more laps at a time. If one member of the team drops out, that team is a DNF.
  • 5 MPH MAX in the pit area. NO EXCEPTIONS. We want a safe area and you are not going to gain that much time speeding through the pits, however, you could injure yourself and someone else by being stupid. Anyone caught speeding in the pits will be disqualified.
  • CHEATING will not be tolerated. This has not been a problem in the past 3 years, but it is important you do not cheat, cut the course, get "creative" with lines. If caught cheating, you will 1. Be disqualified. 2. Announced as disqualified by cheating at the awards ceremony. 3. Listed on ECMXPARK.COM website as disqualified by cheating. it really worth it?
  • Main purpose for this event is to HAVE FUN!


Gates open at 7:30 am
Sign up at 7:30 am - 9:00am

Gate Fees

$15 per person (5 and under free unless racing)

Team Classes

  • Amateur Big Bike: Any cc bike
  • Intermediate/Expert Big Bike: Any cc bike
  • Pro (100% Payback): Any cc Bike
  • Rule of 75; Combined age = 75+ years (ID required): Any cc bike
  • Rule of 100; Combined age = 100+ years (ID required): Any cc bike
  • Women's: Any cc bike

Individual Classes

  • Ironman: Any size bike
  • 85cc*
  • 65cc*
  • 50cc*

*Mini Bike Course

Thanks to Our Sponsors